onsdag 18 april 2012

Just randomness.

Wo, we went to IKEA... again. This time with Livia, Daisy, Kazuya and Alex. Me and Malin bought a small table that we've been talking about forever and a plant. Yay. I'm going to buy more flowers later :3

Haha, for some reason I get ridiculously happy by this sight. xD like Japan and Sweden are BFFs. 


Took the opportunity to take some new pictures of our room too... if anyone is interested, haha. Our towels from concerts hanging on the bed... in lack of better place to hang around on. 

The bookshelf-thingie we bought last time when mom was here ^^ 

OBAMABLOG! 8D This book is priceless. If you can, buy it!!

aaah Kenji completely normal. Don't take this picture and spread it around, I'll track you down. 

Some of my cd's... very interesting, yeesss.


Oh yeah.. this reminds me I haven't written about the SCREW concert yet.. TAT sorry. It was awesome :p
purple plastic thingies they shot out over the audience.. me and Malin got a few.. haha. The pictures I got when I bought their album. Byou is next to para:noir on the edge, but not visible. bffyyy

Now it's late.

Again. xD goodnight!

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