I feel so cruel for all these short entries.. but we're so tired. Malin is already sleeping.
We were on a introduction at school today, as I said earlier I think. It all went really well. :) The school is really cozy. No problems or anything. Smooth, it's just smooth, haha.
We were done around half past four, then we took out money and stopped by a 100¥ shop and bought stuff for the kitchen.
Then we went back home, left the stuff and ate a small sandwich because we were starving to death, and theen met up with some other people downstairs and went to Shinjuku. Like always it never ends up the way we planned, so we ended up in a ramen restaurant.
It was really tasty though!
We even got a egg for free, since we had to wait for four seats being available. We didn't even wait that long, suddenly one of the waitresses came up to us and asked us if we wanted an egg or some other thing I forgot what it was.. and we were like "Wooot? Egg.... is.. fine?" and she went in again. We didn't really get it at first, until Livia remembered you sometimes get stuff for waiting... apparently.. haha
It was really funny, when the waitress came out with the bowls she said "Have fun when you open it."
Like.. what? XD what is that supposed to mean? But then when we opened it a steam-like smoke came out
and at first we just thought it was steam, but it smelled like barbecue... or grilled. smoke. thing. It was fun XD and tasty too. When we left we saw how they put the smoke into the bowls before serving it. Cool.
The stuff we bought. Every item cost between 8-15 (swedish)kr. xD
The colorful thingies are spices. The dish brush is epic! When it gets old and gross you can just take the sponge off and put a new one on.
Randomness, but I forgot to write yesterday that when we were in Family Mart, which is a small store like pressbyrån or whatever, and suddenly there was a commercial of Golden Bomber's final live on the radio. Wooooooot XD we were both stopping in the actions and listened, then looked at each other and laughed. Golden Bomber.. oh yeh.
Anyways.. Now, going to bed.. so.. tired.. xD again
Take care everyone!<3
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