Today I went with Alex and Cesar to Takadanobaba AREA and saw
Lycaon, Mejibray, Oz, Fest Vainqueur, SCREW and イヴ (EVE)
I wasn't sure if it started at four or five, so we were there at around four, but of course we where an hour early haha. While we stood outside by the stairs I saw Hiyuu from Lycaon come up the stairs with Haru, the vocalist in fest vainqueur under his arm kinda. He could barely walk on his own o.O probably had a really high fever or something. Anyway, they stood by their van for a while but we went to Family mart to buy some food. When we came back the van was gone so they probably went to the hospital and had him on IV for a while. He seemed to be fine later when they preformed anyways. Just a bit hoarse. Hope he's okay now.. They stress way too much sometimes. o.o they always make me so worried, grr.
EVE started off and they were okay. :3 They were really cute and all, but the music was kinda boring. Too much on the positive side, no real power. I need the power! xD
Then OZ was on.
I dieed soo many timeees all over again all the time. ahahahha. It kinda felt like when I saw D'eiz, just goosebumps all over almost through the whole songs. They played Reverse as last song. I died. Again. omg.
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
love love love it.
Yes, I'm totally professional about this.
LOVE LOVELOVE IT. The part at 2.10 is like your ears die and went to heaven.
OZ was probably... my.. favorite from today actually. Music wise.
After a small break MEJIBRAY were on and oh my gosh I love them so~ much.
My favorite song. It was gorgeous live. I tell yaaa. Genki (I never remember what he's called now in meji, he will always be Genki to me xD) is gorgeousness. nomnomnom. He knows it too. XD
After mejibray Lycaon was on. This is actually where I was toootally surprised. Lycaon is really good! Like, really good!! o: I've not been intrested in them at all like.. the last few years actually. Especially lately, because their songs lately is soo bad. But! They were good live! For whatever reason. Yuuki sings more properly, not like... I don't even know. I was happy:D
After Lycaon Fest Vainqueur entered.. Haruuu~ aw. He seemed all good when they preformed, but he was all hoarse poor baby T^T
He cut his hair and has it all fluffy again. yay. I liked them, but I still like SINCREA's music waaay more. But they wanted to change, I guess. ^^ they are still pretty good, and I still like them as persons too so well xD I enjoyed it.
Then it was finally SCREW's turn =D they came in and just as the first song was about to start Byou did a sneaky face and turned to the others and then they started to play Happy birthday to
yooou~ instead and all the fans catched on really quickly. They surprised Rui!!:D he was so embarresed hahah. Then the staff came on stage with a birthday cake to him and he blew out the candles. They were all really full of energy and happy, so glad to see.
I think they are really hyped up about their europe tour too ^^ It felt so powerful to be just one and ha half meter away from them all of the sudden. They are so big and tall too, compared with most of the other bands xD they are older as well, so..
I wanted them to play this song sooooo much, but they didn't. :3 one of my faves from these days. They talked a bit about their next album and stuff.. Byou was goofing around a lot. Feels so good to finally see him so happy<3
Hopefully there will be tickets left next week too, because I reaaally wanna see them again, and then it's just them, born and Kiryu preforming so they will play longer too. -w-
But, now I REALLY need to sleep. It's half past one here, haha. Just needed to get all of this out of my head so I can relax xD too hyped up and too tired at the same time oh my gosh.
omg. XD so lucky to see so much nice bands together :P I'm glad the show was nice!